
Get Payout Item Status Sample

Use this call to get data about a payout item, including the status, without retrieving an entire batch. You can get the status of an individual payout item in a batch in order to review the current status of a previously-unclaimed, or pending, payout item. API used: GET /v1/payments/payouts-item/

/** @var \PayPal\Api\PayoutBatch $payoutBatch */ $payoutBatch = require 'GetPayoutBatchStatus.php';

Payout Item ID

You can replace this with your Payout Batch Id on already created Payout.

$payoutItems = $payoutBatch->getItems(); $payoutItem = $payoutItems[0]; $payoutItemId = $payoutItem->getPayoutItemId();

Get Payout Item Status

try { $output = \PayPal\Api\PayoutItem::get($payoutItemId, $apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Get Payout Item Status", "PayoutItem", null, $payoutItemId, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Get Payout Item Status", "PayoutItem", $output->getPayoutItemId(), null, $output); return $output;