
Create Single Synchronous Payout Sample

This sample code demonstrate how you can create a synchronous payout sample, as documented here at: API used: /v1/payments/payouts?sync_mode=true

require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';

Create a new instance of Payout object

$payouts = new \PayPal\Api\Payout();

This is how our body should look like:

/* * { "sender_batch_header":{ "sender_batch_id":"2014021801", "email_subject":"You have a Payout!" }, "items":[ { "recipient_type":"EMAIL", "amount":{ "value":"1.0", "currency":"USD" }, "note":"Thanks for your patronage!", "sender_item_id":"2014031400023", "receiver":"" } ] } */ $senderBatchHeader = new \PayPal\Api\PayoutSenderBatchHeader();


You can prevent duplicate batches from being processed. If you specify a sender_batch_id that was used in the last 30 days, the batch will not be processed. For items, you can specify a sender_item_id. If the value for the sender_item_id is a duplicate of a payout item that was processed in the last 30 days, the item will not be processed.

Batch Header Instance

$senderBatchHeader->setSenderBatchId(uniqid()) ->setEmailSubject("You have a Payout!");

Sender Item

Please note that if you are using single payout with sync mode, you can only pass one Item in the request

$senderItem = new \PayPal\Api\PayoutItem(); $senderItem->setRecipientType('Email') ->setNote('Thanks for your patronage!') ->setReceiver('') ->setSenderItemId("2014031400023") ->setAmount(new \PayPal\Api\Currency('{ "value":"1.0", "currency":"USD" }')); $payouts->setSenderBatchHeader($senderBatchHeader) ->addItem($senderItem);

For Sample Purposes Only.

$request = clone $payouts;

Create Payout

try { $output = $payouts->createSynchronous($apiContext); } catch (Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Created Single Synchronous Payout", "Payout", null, $request, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Created Single Synchronous Payout", "Payout", $output->getBatchHeader()->getPayoutBatchId(), $request, $output); return $output;