
Update Web Profile

Use this call to update an experience profile. Documentation available at

We will be re-using the sample code to get a web profile. GetWebProfile.php will create a new web profileId for sample, and return the web profile object.

/** @var \PayPal\Api\WebProfile $webProfile */ $webProfile = require 'GetWebProfile.php';

Updated the logo image of presentation object in a given web profile.

$webProfile->getPresentation()->setLogoImage(""); try {

Update the web profile to change the logo image.

if ($webProfile->update($apiContext)) {

If the update is successfull, we can now get the object, and verify the web profile object

$updatedWebProfile = \PayPal\Api\WebProfile::get($webProfile->getId(), $apiContext); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Updated Web Profile", "Web Profile", $webProfile->getId(), $webProfile, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Updated Web Profile", "Web Profile", $updatedWebProfile->getId(), $webProfile, $updatedWebProfile);