
Delete Web Profile

Use this call to delete a web experience profile. Documentation available at

We are going to re-use the sample code from CreateWebProfile.php. If you have not visited the sample yet, please visit it before trying GetWebProfile.php The CreateWebProfile.php will create a web profile for us, and return a CreateProfileResponse, that contains the web profile ID.

/** @var \PayPal\Api\CreateProfileResponse $result */ $createProfileResponse = require_once 'CreateWebProfile.php';

Create a new instance of web Profile ID, and set the ID.

$webProfile = new \PayPal\Api\WebProfile(); $webProfile->setId($createProfileResponse->getId()); try {

Execute the delete method

$webProfile->delete($apiContext); } catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) { ResultPrinter::printError("Deleted Web Profile", "Web Profile", $createProfileResponse->getId(), null, $ex); exit(1); } ResultPrinter::printResult("Deleted Web Profile", "Web Profile", $createProfileResponse->getId(), null, null);